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Query Functions


runInstalledQuery(queryName, params=None, timeout=16000, sizeLimit=32000000)

Runs an installed query.

The query must be already created and installed in the graph. Use getEndpoints(dynamic=True) or GraphStudio to find out the generated endpoint URL of the query, but only the query name needs to be specified here.

Arguments: - params: A string of param1=value1&param2=value2 format or a dictionary. - timeout: Maximum duration for successful query execution. - sizeLimit: Maximum size of response (in bytes).

Documentation: POST /query/{graph_name}/


runInterpretedQuery(queryText, params=None)

Runs an interpreted query.

You must provide the query text in this format:

INTERPRET QUERY (<params>) FOR GRAPH <graph_name> {

Arguments: - params: A string of param1=value1&param2=value2 format or a dictionary.

Documentation: POST /gsqlserver/interpreted_query