
If user authentication is enabled in the TigerGraph database, then username and password need to be specified when the connection is established. If you already have an API authorization token, specify that one as well. Alternatively, if you know a secret (created previously in the database), you can request a token via the getToken function and use it during the session.

If user authentication is not enabled, then username, password and authorization token are not used (i.e. the database is insecure). This is only acceptable in case of development or study environments.

The username and password default to the TigerGraph default username and password, which are tigergraph. If user authentication is enabled, the tigergraph user's password can't be tigergraph, so a different one must be selected. Furthermore, it is recommended not to use the tigergraph user for anything other than system administration. Instead, create additional users and grant them the appropriate privileges through roles, then use those users to access the database.

It is recommended to not push any form of authentication information to version control software. Because of this, we recommend to create a file that looks like this:

token = ""

You can then import this config file into your Python applications, and add to your .gitignore. To create a connection to your database, simply:

import pyTigerGraph as tg 
import cfg

cfg.token = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host="<hostname>", graphname="<graph_name>").getToken(cfg.secret, "<token_lifetime>")[0]

conn = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host="<hostname>", graphname="<graph_name>", password=cfg.password, apiToken=cfg.token)

Substitute the hostname and graph name with the correct credentials, as well as the desired lifetime of the API token fetched.