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Baseball Pitch Prediction

Using various machine learning methods, I was able to predict the next pitch of an at-bat with up to 75% accuracy. Check out the blog post here


A Python package that interfaces with a TigerGraph database's REST API. More information can be found here.

AI Racing League

Created and tested a variety of computer vision algorithms to autonomously control an RC Car. Also teach AI concepts to kids at CoderDojo.

IPO Prediction using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

Used TigerGraph Cloud, Gradle, and pyTigerGraph to predict companies that would IPO using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. Check out the blog post here


A Twitter bot that uses machine learning to transfer a certain style of art onto an user-provided photo. Hosted on AWS services. Uses Keras, Python, SQL, HTML, and CSS. The code for the style transfer is here. The code that handles collecting the tweets and inserting them into the database is here. Want to check out some of the results? Check out the gallery.